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Thursday, 29 July 2010

cocaine trade scheme involving a high-profile Russian impresario eager to set up business in Moscow's expensive night clubs

Russia and the United States have uncovered a cocaine trade scheme involving a high-profile Russian impresario eager to set up business in Moscow's expensive night clubs, Russia's top drugs control officer said Monday.Russians sprang into action after U.S. officials tipped them off about a 30-year-old Moscow man looking to buy cocaine wholesale in the United States, Viktor Ivanov, head of the Russian anti-narcotics agency, told reporters.The announcement comes less than a week after a Russian pilot was arrested in Liberia on suspicion of smuggling...

Briton attempting to sneak heroin onto a plane in Thailand is caught in the act

Briton attempting to sneak heroin onto a plane in Thailand is caught in the ...

Briton attempting to sneak heroin onto a plane in Thailand is caught in the act

Briton attempting to sneak heroin onto a plane in Thailand is caught in the ...
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